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Sunday, February 17, 2013


So sorry I didn't post yesterday! My computer wasn't working!

Anyways, someone (who wanted to remain anonymous) emailed me the question:
"Are you currently reading any books? If so what?"

Well, yes, I am currently reading a book series. I just finished the first book in the series yesterday, and I have to say, it is really good. Percy Jackson good? No. But it is good. Here is my description of the book.

Legend, By Marie Lu
This book is about a future United States. In this future, a revolution is occurring from the colonies (eastern US) towards the Republic (western US). Every kid, upon their tenth birthday takes a test called the trial. Their grade on the trial basically decides their future. A good grade will get them into a good college, and will get them a high-ranking job in the military. A bad grade, however, could result in poor education, and a poor future. The story is told from two different Points of View; Day, a kid who failed his trial, and decided to fight against what the Republic wanted becoming a rebel, and June, the only person ever to get a perfect 1500 on her trial, and was sent to college early. As the book progresses, more secrets are learned about the Republic.

I don't really know how to say anymore without spoiling it. However, I will say this: If you are a fan of the ever popular series, The Hunger Games, I would definitely recommend reading this book. It is an interesting turn of events, and truthfully does have a great ending. I recently started reading the second book in the series, Prodigy. These are the only two books, however their was a never before seen prequel added recently. This prequel, Life Before Legend is very short however.

I'd really recommend that all of you read this and tell me your thoughts afterwards.


  1. I've read Legend! I loved it. I'll have to get Prodigy ASAP.
    If you liked Legend you might also like Divergent, Matched and Glow.

  2. I'm not really into dystopian books. I've read a few, but they just don't call to me. Like, I've read the Hunger Games and Divergent, and I started Matched, but they're really not in my ballpark. However, this does look somewhat interesting... Maybe I'll check it out when I finish the seven books I'm reading at the moment. xD

    1. Ahh see I do like dystopian books, but you should read Legend. It's really good


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