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Sunday, June 2, 2013


I wasn't going to do a post today, but I owe you guys this one. I just can't believe that my Blog has hit 15,000 views!

I remember the first day I posted, thinking, If I actually stick with this for a week, that'd be amazing. Well, it's been 7 months, and I'm still coming in strong! I know I don't post as much as I used to, but I hope you guys know that it's not because I don't care to post, it's because I don't have the time to post.

I remember when I was amazed I hit 100 views.
I remember when I almost died hitting 500.
I remember when I basically did die hitting 1,000.
I remember my huge post for 5,000.
I remember doing a double take at seeing 10,000.
And now, here I am with 15,000!

Okay, so, just a little note in advance.

When The Son of Sobek: e/audio-book comes out, I will most likely be getting it. I will do my post about The House of Hades: sneak peek, and it will contain spoilers. I don't really think I can make a non-spoiler version of it.

I still am confident that the preview will be posted online somewhere, by someone, so anyone will be able to read it, anyways.

Now, the sad news:
On June 21, I go away for the summer, and I will not be able to post, for a while. It will be about two months later when I am posting. Hopefully, I will be able to sneak in one or two posts in the middle, but I can't make any promises.

Thanks for Reading!

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Please leave your feedback. If you leave a question, I will answer you by responding to your comment as soon as possible (please come back to check) - if it is a comment, and I find it worthy, it will be featured on my Blog. Either way, I love to hear from you guys, so please say whatever you want to say!

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