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Sunday, December 16, 2012

My First Percy Jackson Book!

As promised, here is the story of what got me into reading my first Percy Jackson book, and what happened from there!  I have always, and still do hate reading.  The main reason for this is that no one can disagree with the fact that the school picks the worst books for kids to read!  Yes, there are some classics, but other than that-- just NO!  In sixth grade, my teacher told us we were going to be starting a new book.  Everyone in the class, including me, just got annoyed, as this teacher truly was known for picking the absolutely WORST books imaginable!

Anyway, she told us we would be reading The Lightning Thief, by Rick Riordan.  The only thing that I did like about this was that I had known even at that point that I loved Greek Mythology, and she had told us this book was pertaining to Greek Mythology.  So, we start to read the book, and even I have to admit, it started off slow and boring.  Anyways, we had gotten to a certain point in the book (I believe when Grover, Annabeth, and Percy were leaving Camp Half Blood), when I realized this book was pretty interesting.

This was the point at which I started to read ahead, and go onto finishing the book in about a week.  I talked to my teacher, and she lent me a copy of the second book, The Sea of Monsters, to read, while the class was finishing up The Lightning Thief.  By the time the class had finished The Lightning Thief, I was already finished reading The Sea of Monsters.  This is the point at which I realized these were truly the greatest books ever!

A couple of weeks later, I forced my mom to take me to the book store, where I bought my copy of The Titan's Curse.  I finished that in a week, and my mom, who knew I hated reading, was laughing at the fact I actually enjoyed a book; she was overjoyed!

The next day, I again forced her to take me to the store, where she bought me my copy of The Battle of the Labyrinth.  This one I managed to finish in two days, and it still is my favorite addition to the Percy Jackson series! 

This is where I faced my problem though.  The Last Olympian wasn't out yet!  I had to wait 6 MONTHS to read another one of Riordan's amazing novels!  Well, I am sure the story is starting to get boring, so let's speed things up a little.  I waited the 6 months, and read The Last Olympian in a weekend.  I was then devastated that it was over, and started to read Riordan's other series, about Saddie and Carter, two Egyptian descendants.  Then, news came of another book, The Lost Hero!  I was so happy that waiting for it wasn't even that bad.  I finished that book in a weekend as well, and went on to wait a long year for the next addition, The Son of Neptune.  I was proud of myself for finishing this one within a day and a half!  Then, the last year was the toughest.  This is when I started reading Riordan's Blog, and looking for everything pertaining to Percy Jackson, while waiting for The Mark of Athena

Well, it finally came out on MY BIRTHDAY, October 2nd, and I finished it that day!  Now, I, and many other people are waiting for The House of Hades, desperately!

In case you were trying to figure it out, I am now currently in 10th grade, and 1000 times more in love with Percy Jackson then ever before!  Stay tuned for my next post, and thanks for reading!

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