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Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Response to Comments!

As promised, here is my response to all of the comments I have gotten regarding my last few posts!

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"I don't know if this is relevant, but there are 2 ppl for storm: Percy and Jason, and 2 ppl for fire: Frank and Leo. Percy and Jason are the "leaders," and Leo and Frank have lots of connections regarding Hazel and such... ohh and it's also called the House of HADES!! But idk if this will mean anything... maybe just a coincidence..."
I don't know how many of you know about this, but in classical Greek Mythology, there was a House of Hades. This house was not located in the Underworld. It is commonly confused with Hades' Palace where he [and Persephone] live. While I am not sure if this is what Riordan is referring to by The House of Hades, this is a fact from Greek Mythology. So, based on that, I don't really see where you're going there. You're taking one thing (Jason and Percy - Storm, Leo and Frank - Fire), relating it to another (Hazel's love triangle), and putting that into another thing (Hazel is a daughter of Hades), which let me just add is not true. Hazel is not a daughter of Hades, she is a daughter of Pluto. There is a difference. Nico is a son of Hades, and he will be traveling with the rest of the group (at least for now), so maybe something will happen there. But besides that, I don't really understand what you're trying to say.
"I think it's Jason and Leo :)"
~Solace Utara
"me too and if it is'nt jason i think it's percy"
~Arnell Pulido
The only problem I see with that is, it'd be too obvious. Look at my sidebars, and spend some time looking at every prophecy. How many of them [besides The Son of Neputne] had prophecies where things could easily be predicted? Most of the time, it is something you'd never expect, but becomes so obvious once it is said. So, like I keep saying, the chances are, none of these are correct.
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"I hope Chiron doesn't die. that would be so sad. I think Nico might have something to do with that line but i don't would be sad if anyone were to die."
"I agree with ^"
~Solace Utara
Yes, it would be sad for anyone to die, but I think it has to happen. This just reminded me, though, that I want to do a post regarding the deaths that may occur, so I'll save my major points for then.
"I think it means that Hazel is going to shut the doors from the inside thus, "dying." but she might take Frank's stick with her, keeping her promice to him.
Of course the options you thought of are very possible too."
~Louise Lewis
Like I said above, I'm going to save my points for when I do my death post, but I do like your Frank's stick idea. Hazel promised to hold it and protect it for Frank, she made an oath. If she goes into the Underworld, and dies, she will have kept that oath with her final breath, and, that would solve Frank's problem, as maybe he wouldn't have to worry about the stick anymore. Good idea!
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1 comment:

  1. Intersting. Yep, prophecies never turn out the way it was expected. I'm counting on Rick to surprise us again.


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