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Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Frank's Life Line!

We all know that Frank's life line has a chance to play a significant role in The Blood of Olympus -- he can die if a tiny piece of firewood burns up. Well, I'm not sure if many people know this, but Rick based this off of a Greek Myth...

I looked for the simplist version I could find, and came up with this:

Meleager was the son of Oeneus and Althaea, king and queen of Calydon. When he was born, the three Moirae (Fates) announced to his mother that Meleager would live only so long as a brand of burning upon the hearth remained unconsumed. Althaea snatched the brand from the fire and kept it in a safe place. Meleager grew up into a valiant warrior who was seemingly invulnerable to harm, and married Celopatra, the daughter of the hero Idas.

When the Calydonian boar was ravaging the countryside, his father set him to lead the band of heroes who went forth to hunt the beast. Despite his marriage to Celopatra, Meleager was in love with Atalanta, the only woman among the hunting party, and he rejoiced when she was the first to wound the boar; he then competed the kill himself, and awarded the boar's hide to her, on the ground that she had drawn first blood. However, Meleager's maternal uncles, Toxeus and Plexippus, were enraged that hte prize of the hunt should be awarded to a woman and tried to take it for themselves. Meleager fought with them and killed them.

Upon hearing the news of her brothers' deaths, Althaea removed the half-consumed brand from its hiding place and cast it upon the fire. Meleager writhed in agony, finally dying when the brand was burned entirely into ash.

If you would like more information on Meleager, just Google it, and there will be more available. Now, the reason I am bringing this up...
Rick has made a big point of saying that "history repeats itself," with the Titan War, followed by the rise of Giants, etc. Well, basically Meleager died at the hands of his mother. While Frank's mother is dead, maybe we could assume that it will repeat itself in the sense that Frank will die. Now, who has came to Frank and appeared as a motherly figure before?
First, we can look at Juno/Hera...she was the one who warned of Frank's life line, and she has looked upon Frank (along with the other Heroes) for help many times.
But also, maybe we can look at Gaea in this sense...of course Gaea isn't a motherly figure, but maybe the way it repeats itself is that the Hero dies at the hand of a significant woman in his life..Gaea is clearly significant in Frank's life (just for different reasons).
So, I just wanted to bring that up...let me know what you guys think...
Thanks for Reading!

1 comment:

  1. You could also consider it, not in terms of a mother figure, but in terms of the person who guards the lifeline. I don't really want to think that about Hazel, and it seems unlikely, but in the original myth, if I understand correctly, she burns the lifeline when she hears news of her brothers' death, right? I don't think it would make much sense for this to happen, and I don't really think it will, I'm just trying to point out the parallels.


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